31/52: Pickles and Pigs

Friday, August 12, 2016

Some of the garden has been disappointing this year, but we've been getting a LOT of cucumbers from just one successful plant (Straight Eight variety - it's the BEST!). So we make refrigerator pickles every day or two, and the kids get to eat all that they want. It's basically a dream come true for them, because they adore pickles.

They didn't even make it into clothes before I let them at the jar the other day... I just set them out in a bowl and let them get to it so that I could eat my second breakfast in peace!

Peter LOVES "pittles" but that's not what you're looking at. You're looking at his sad, sad haircut! Oh goodness, I hate it. Usually I don't touch the top of the boys' heads with the electric trimmers, and do that with scissors. But this time I just plain wasn't thinking and snapped on the 1/2" guard and started at the very front of his head.


I made a terrible mistake. It looks so bad. Thankfully it grows fast!

Mary Claire is the only okra-lover among the kids, so she happily ate all the pickled okra and shared her stack of pickles with everyone else.

Which was especially nice because Elizabeth had somehow missed that they were all eating pickles, and by the time she got to the table all the pickles were gone! Because Mary Claire had neatly stacked 10-15 slices and was holding them all in her hands... But she shared happily with her twin!

The pickles were eaten within minutes, and they all ran upstairs to play "The Three Little Pigs," dressed in pink and all. It's actually a perfect game because John Paul prefers to play the villain, so he gets to growl a lot at the girls while they run around shrieking and Peter tags along however he wants. Apparently after a while the Big Bad Wolf reformed, and they all played with the Good Wolf happily. 

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